Bici Corzi Silicon, Fetish Art, Mini, rosu, 21cm din silicon, o jucarie clasica pentru sex BDSM. Un articol fetish Erotica pentru pasionatii de BDSM, dar si pentru incep?torii care doresc sa adauge o cantitate suplimentara de pasiune si emotie la actul sexual. Indeplineste-ti dorintele ascunse cu Fetish Art!Bici mic cu, corzi rosii din silicon si maner usor de plastic doar pentru distractie in timpul fjocului sexual. Greutatea scazuta il face foarte la indemana. Firele de silicon usoare la atingere va permit sa pedepsiti bland partenera obraznica :) Biciul este confectionat dintr-un material hipoalergenic, care datorita rezistentei sale la apa permite spalarea usoara. Material: siliconGreutate: 13 gLungime total?: 21 cmLungimea mânerului: 7 cmGreutatea pachetului: 0,05Culoare neagra Fetish Art`s Several is a foax leather flogger, a classic BDSM sex toy. A Erotica` item for BDSM enthusiasts but also for beginners who wish to add an extra amount of passion and excitement to the intercourse. Fulfill your hidden desires with Fetish Art! Small silicone Whip.A small whip just for fun during foreplay. The low weight makes it very handy. The handle is made of plastic that fits well in your hand. The whip bristle is made of silicone threads that are soft to the touch and at the same time allow you to punish a naughty partner ;-) The whip is made of a hypoallergenic material, which thanks to its water resistance allows easy washing. There is a string on the handleMaterial: SiliconeWeight: 13 gTotal length: 21 cmHandle length: 7 cmPackage weight: 0.05Red colour