Dildo Natural Realistic, Rhythm, [19 cm x 3,7 cm]. Dildo-ul Rhythm este un falus din silicon de inalta calitate, capabil sa ofere emotii puternice datorita dimensiunii sale. Jucaria erotica dildo are un gland, testicule si vene in forma realista si un ax flexibil care se adapteaza liniilor corpului si permite o penetrare lina si intensa! Moale la atingere si cu o ventuza puternica la baza, acest dildo este de asemenea, impermeabil si potrivit pentru jocuri erotice intense in apa. The Rhythm Dildo is a high quality silicone phallus, capable of delivering strong emotions due to its size. The toy has a realistically shaped glans, testicles and veins and a flexible shaft that adapts to the lines of the body and allows for smooth and intense penetration! Soft to the touch and with a powerful suction cup at the base, the dildo is also waterproof and suitable for intense erotic play in water.